Thursday, April 7, 2016

Trip to Topslip Tiger Reserve ....

Trip to
Topslip Tiger Reserve ....

part of Environmental Psychology Field-based Learning

First-year Psychology students learn about Environmental Psychology. It is taught via Field-based learning.
The students were taken to Topslip Tiger Reserve, stayed overnight there.
Mr.Saleem from Environment Conservation Group was the coordinator of the program; together with Dr.Janetius and Mr. Balakumaran (Leadership Trainer) the program was well organised with lots of gamers, leadership training, trekking, safari etc.. etc...

 Environmental psychologists study the relationship between human behavior and the environment, from both directions - how the environment affects behavior, and how people's behaviors and attitudes affect the environment. Broadly speaking, environmental psychologists study any type of environment, including the "built environment" of homes, offices, and cities. For example, they investigate how spaces affect people, and how to create spaces that are conducive to human well-being. They ask questions like, "How do urban environments influence crime?"

While environmental psychology places more of a focus on the built environment, its two sub-disciplines, conservation psychology and ecopsychology, center on the relationships between people and the natural world. For example, they may study the psychology of climate change, or incentives for changing behaviors that degrades the environment. Each area of study is part of a growing interdisciplinary field bridging the social, life, and environmental sciences including psychology, sociology, geography, architecture, and environmental studies.

What Does an Environmental Psychologist Do?

Environmental psychologists often study how the built or physical environment affects human behavior. They may conduct research on this topic, or apply their knowledge to designing safe and ergonomic spaces that are conducive to emotional well-being, such as colorful, open floor plans.

Conservation psychologists study the development of environmental attitudes. For example, they may investigate the psychology of the valuation of nature - how and why people value nature - to better understand how to foster an environmental ethic. Another research area involves studying behaviors towards nature and natural resources. Psychologists study these behaviors to try to determine how to cultivate sustainable ones. They may also conduct experiments on the restorative effects of nature on the human psyche, such as how spending time outdoors reduces stress or increases concentration.

Ecopsychology is somewhat similar to conservation psychology. But while that sub-field focuses more on changing attitudes and behaviors, ecopsychology places more emphasis on ties between environmental and societal degradation. For example, it also aims to address poverty and inequality. It sees human well-being as integrally tied to environmental well-being, and focuses on healing human society, as well as nature.Ecopsychology areas of study include emotional responses to nature, the impacts of environmental issues such as natural disasters and global climate change, and environmental identity and concern. Ecopsychologists may try to understand transcendent experiences in nature, or use outdoor activities for counseling or therapy.